about me/contact me
My name is Gary and this is my site. It is mainly dedicated to the 1980 - 86 Ford trucks, but I also use it to house other information, like that nested underneath this page.
While I do spend a great deal of time on Ford trucks and on this web site, what is most important to me is my Lord, Jesus Christ. I'm very active in our church, serving as an elder and often teaching a class or leading a discussion. Christianity is fundamental to who I am, and I hope that everything I say and do reflects well on and gives Him the glory. He sent His Son to earth to die for all mankind because He knew we would all be sinners and would need a Redeemer. Yes, I'm a sinner. But, I've been redeemed, adopted into God's family, and I know my home is in Heaven once this life on Earth is over. How about you?
While I do spend a great deal of time on Ford trucks and on this web site, what is most important to me is my Lord, Jesus Christ. I'm very active in our church, serving as an elder and often teaching a class or leading a discussion. Christianity is fundamental to who I am, and I hope that everything I say and do reflects well on and gives Him the glory. He sent His Son to earth to die for all mankind because He knew we would all be sinners and would need a Redeemer. Yes, I'm a sinner. But, I've been redeemed, adopted into God's family, and I know my home is in Heaven once this life on Earth is over. How about you?